Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20th, 2012
Today was a beautiful day. I woke up bright and early (not really) and went to church (not lying). It was a nice little service where I watched the graduates being honored. One girl is going to Yale, and the rest are staying in state. I wish they realized all that there is to do out in the world, and the potential they have. But oh well, they will probably end up blogging about raising chickens like I am.
No roosters this summer, so this statue will have to do.
   After church my family headed over to Lowes, the home improvement store. I have decided that I will be a blessing and improve many parts of our house this summer. Tomorrow I will be painting (alright, attempting to paint) the swing on the front porch and the rocking chair. It will be quite an adventure that I will capture for you tomorrow. I picked out some paint swatches to test in my bathroom and the game room, so hopefully those projects will make it up here sometime this summer. After the successful and a bit overwhelming trip to Lowes, we headed to my grandparents' home for lunch. It was in celebration of my cousin's birthday, my successful and non-tattooed return from California. Of course there was a hidden agenda, for my grandfather's Jeep needed to be repaired, and what better way to lure in the son-in-laws than homemade ice cream and a nice hearty lunch? Gets em everytime. In addition to my aunt and uncle, my cousin, my family and my grandparents, my great aunt and uncle came and they brought some of my younger more distant cousins. Here is my great aunt getting ice:

Ice,Ice, Baby.

This is my father. I am not sure what he is doing.

After the lovely meal, full of discussions about the upcoming arrival of the chickens (which shall be shared between my family and my aunt and uncle's family), we had my favorite part, dessert. The homemade ice cream was quite good, however my grandmother could not refrain from reminding everyone how unhealthy it was. Oh well. That is why I bought a gym membership yesterday. Here are some more pictures of the day.

Mmmm ice cream and cake
From the ice-cream machine

More chicken stuff.

Me. Excited to be in Oklahoma
This is my mother. 
This is my family. My brother is off doing something somewhere and is not pictured. 
This is my grandmother, aka Yvonne,aka the memez, aka mimi. 
Beautiful Oklahoma porch.

After the nice lunch and dessert, the men headed out to the garage to work on the jeep while we lovely ladies sat inside and drank coffee and talked about life and such. It was a nice afternoon.

Mechanic stuff


Well that is all for today. Hopefully my painting adventure tomorrow is as fulfilling as today's lunch was. Yum.

I have now been home in Oklahoma for nearly one week. I spent my first few days tucked in bed fighting an awful cold, but I am pretty much better now!
So a few weeks ago my mother told me we were getting chickens to raise. And then she suggested I make a blog about it. So this blog will talk about me trying to raise chickens, and other things probably. And other projects I attempt to do. And other things I do to entertain myself here in Oklahomaland.

I'll start it off with the pictures of Saturday's shooting adventure. Yay
Karis, the dog, sleeping at the gun range. 

The brother, shooting.

Karis and me being bored and entertaining ourselves during the three hour shooting practice. 
